Convert Leads Using Instagram Stories

Convert Leads Using Instagram Stories

Increase Your Followers By Tagging Other Accounts to Reach a Wider Audience.

Do you know that the best way to find new leads on Instagram is through your existing audience? When a customer buys from you, Make sure you have added a clear call to action (CTA) encouraging them to take a picture to celebrate their purchase, post it to their Instagram story, and tag your account. You’d be surprised to see how many new customers you will get. This is gonna help you to get social proof to your existing followers showing them that people love your products and services. They love your brand and that will eventually help you to get more clients. The social proof allows you to take advantage of external validation and customer advocacy in order to influence potential customers.

Most Importantly, you need to encourage people to tag you. You could also send an email or note when people buy from you to tag you in their story and celebrate the purchase. When your followers do post and tag you, make sure you repost it to your own story.

Another way to reach a big audience is to tag larger accounts when it makes sense. To get the value and avoid annoying the tagged accounts. don’t be spammy and make sure you are adding value.

Use the Instagram Stories Stickers

You can use the Instagram Question Sticker in your Instagram story to interact with your audience. There are a couple of ways to do this.

You can ask them to tell you more about a problem they’re having that might be related to your niche. Ask your audience the targeted questions, That will help you to get to know them better or create more of the content they desire.

For example: Is there a topic you want me to cover in an upcoming webinar?

  • You get a commitment from your viewers.
  • You learn what are your audience needs and you can use this input to help them.
  • You identify the most potential leads for your business.

Responses to your story questions will appear in your Instagram notifications and there’s currently no way to respond to them privately. In order to respond, you can tap on the person profile and send them a direct message.

Use the Instagram Stories Swipe Up Feature to Collect Leads

We all know that email marketing is one of the most powerful ways to generate sales and build your brand. You can use your story to get the people who are already engaging with you on Instagram onto your email list. The best way to do this is to use Swipe Up Feature.

If you have less than 10k Followers then this could be an issue so You can work on IGTV video.

Upload an IGTV Video With a CTA to Tap on the Link

Create your offer and video. Then add a link in your IGTV video Description. While Creating your IGTV Video make sure to

  • Introduce the offer right away.
  • Give viewers clear instructions to click the link
  • Give a clear CTA with easy instructions.

Make sure you give viewers enough time to tap on the link in the video description.

Don;t Forget to share your IGTV video to your instagram story.

Bottom Line:

Instagram Stories offers you a variety of opportunities to generate leads on the platform. You can leverage your existing audience to reach new leads, use the Instagram Stories Questions sticker to interact with your audience. and Answer their questions to know the pain points.

What is your experience with Instagram Stories? Which of the above-mentioned tactics you are going to try? Drop us a comment and share your story. 

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